Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Character Scene

  Elizabeth laughed loudly, her long black hair flowing in the wind and blue eyes sparkling. She was racing her best friend Katrina to school. People moved out of the way, smiling at her. Once at school, they fell on the ground and giggled madly. "Have fun?" A voice asked. They shot up and saw a smiling Alex behind them. Elizabeth blushed and stuttered, before saying yes. Alex helped them up and the other students walking around them looked envious.
 They all went to their English class, where they were going to have to say a speech. "Guys, I can't do this," Elizabeth whispered as she walked in. A girl walking in turned to her, "of course you can. You're a natural writer," the girl, Samantha, told her, smiling encouragingly. Elizabeth calmed her nerves as she watched the others do their speeches. When it was her turn, she was doing it on ballet, which was something she had done since she was eight.
 She knew her speech and knew the topic, so she flew through it, no signs of nervousness. "Dance for us," Alex called out, jokingly. She shook her head and sat down. "That was good. I told you, you could do it," Samantha whispered to Elizabeth. "Elizabeth, something you need to work on is speaking louder," the teacher told her. The bell rang and Katrina went to her friend. They went outside and laid down on the grass. "I wish I could fly and sit on a cloud," Elizabeth said in one of her weirder moments.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

About Me

About Me

  Hello, whoever's reading this. My name is Sierra, and I was born in 2001. I live in Ontario. I am a female and have long red hair, which I want to grow to my hips, but it's not quite there yet. I have to wear glasses, and I love jewelry. I always wear a locket, that was a gift from my parents and a daughter's pride ring, which I got for my thirteenth birthday. I love fall, and dislike spring because of all the bees. Summer is nice because no school, but it's so hot and winter is nice, I just don't like wearing this huge coat all the time.

  I'm part dutch, and a bunch of other things. Dutch comes from my dad's side of the family and the other stuff comes from my mom's side. I have a brother who looks nothing like any of us, so we joke that we stole him from my Aunt Lori who looks nothing like her family, but looks like Caleb. I have a twin sister, Abigail who prefers Abby. We might be identical twins because we look so similar, but recently, she cut her hair and I didn't. That means no more switching on April Fool's day.  I have a competitive streak, but it really only happens around my sister, and I have to try and beat everything she does.

  We often fight because we're always together. We've never been in different classes and usually sit next to each other in class. Something that sucks is that we argue about schoolwork to help each other when the other does something wrong and then the teacher moves us apart. We solve problems our way, and we have gotten better. This is because we have two different teachers, and they both have their own twins. The first one loves our arguments and can imagine her kids doing the same thing. As long as we argue about school, she doesn't care and we solve our problems that way and it's hard any other way. 

   I have two best friends, Angel and Jewels. They fight almost as much as me and Abby, but they don't make up five minutes later. I am called the mother of the group. Angel is a two year old and Jewels's is a three year old and Abby is whatever age she wants to be. I go in tae-kwon-doe and it's exhausting, but I love it. I'm currently a blue belt which is three belts away from black. There are ten degrees in black belt, and some have died off, so I think our current teacher only knows to fifth degree. I love music and I deliver newspapers. I like watching movies, but I can't sit still for the whole thing so I more often than not, miss the ending and/or the middle.

   I am called a nerd. I like to learn new things, and absolutely love to read. I love the classics like Pride and Prejudice and Gone with the Wind and Emma. My first classic was Little Women and I later bought a beautiful book called cloud words in Little Women. It's the exact same except for the cover that has the best quotes all over. It's like a sunset orange and I'm gonna stop with the books now. I don't like the internet as much as others. I don't know how to use it and I'd rather write using pen and paper. I also don't like electronic books because the feel of the pages and the beauty of the cover. I'm the princess of the family, but I can be really rude if you hurt my friends. And only I can tease my sister. 



  A fixed mindset is where you think that you can't change your level of intelligence, and think having to work hard to get good grades makes you not smart. A growth mindset is the opposite, you know you can continue to learn and challenges and studying are things to make you smarter. I wonder if people can change from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. I think I used to have a fixed mindset for a while, because I thought I was bad at stuff and couldn't get better.

  I think it's who is teaching us or parenting us also, because if you have a teacher/parent who thinks you can't change your level of intelligence, then you may start to believe the same thing, but if you have one who believes the opposite, then you may believe the opposite. It's better to have a growth mindset obviously, as you would love to learn.